When writing a book and using an ISBN, it is standard practice to have a title verso page – which declares your copyright info.

This page goes on the back (verso) of your title page.

There are no hard or fast rules with the wording, but I’ve created two templates depending on your needs and you can use these as a guide in your publication.

Fiction verso pages tend to be centralised, whereas business verso pages tend to be left-aligned.

Click on the applicable genre (fiction or business), and right-click to download. You will need to edit the information that is in the brackets [in blue writing] and then delete the brackets.  For example, where it says:  First published [year] by [publishing company] – you will edit it to; First published 2021 by Blue Ray Publishing. (This is just an example, please DO NOT use Blue Ray Publishing!) lol. I have removed the brackets and edited the information.

Depending on who your publisher is they may provide this page for you.

Feel free to contact me, alexa@thebookrefinery.com if you have any questions.

Title verso – FICTION

Title verso – BUSINESS